Let’s face it, even in our beautiful sub-tropical oasis, winter can still be a drag. Shorter days and colder temperatures tend to drive everyone indoors for a few months while we wait for those perfect Spring days. However, if you are lucky enough to live in or be traveling to Charleston in the Winter, there are still plenty of reasons to cruise with us during the colder months!
Break up the monotonous routine
As soon as daylight savings hits, we tend to focus on maintaining a more regular daily routine. While we love New Year’s resolutions, work, workout, dinner, bed gets old quickly! If you have friends in town or a day off, break up that routine with a Saltwater Cycle cruise! Adding something different to your schedule (maybe with onesies) is always a good idea, especially when it involves time on the water with your squad.
Outdoor events are the safer option right now
Somehow we are still dealing with Covid two years later. An outdoor activity is a great way to enjoy the company of friends that you are comfortable with in a safe outdoor environment!
Give your crew a reason to staycation
For us locals, playing tourist for a weekend is a great way to have some Winter fun without having to travel. We suggest booking a house on Folly for the weekend (the discounts right now are amazing!), do some bar hopping, and hit the water with us. You’ll end the weekend refreshed and remembering why you love Charleston so much!
The weather is generally mild
While we all know temperatures can fluctuate from day to day here, in general the Winter is very mild. It’s not uncommon for a 65-70 degree day to pop up. Anyone remember this New Year's day, 77 and sunny?! Make this an excuse to wear that awesome jacket you rarely get to use and we will make sure to take plenty of pictures to make your friends in colder areas jealous.
The dolphins are still out. Need we say more?
Give us a call to book today, we run year round, seven days a week! Cheers to combating the winter blues Saltwater Cycle style!