How to Decorate Your Charleston Party Boat

If you are looking to go the extra mile and be the hero of the weekend for your bride or best friend, we suggest decorating the boat to make it extra festive! While the Saltwater Cycle boat and Charleston Brew Barge are both extremely insta-worthy and we do have our pineapple mascot, Pawley, on board at all times, a few more decorations are always a good idea! But how do you decorate a Charleston party boat? We have you covered with the do’s and don’ts!

The most important thing to consider when decorating a boat is keeping our beautiful Charleston waterways clean. Some items that we kindly ask you to leave behind to keep out of the water are balloons, glitter, and plastic straws. The dolphins and turtles thank you in advance! Aside from that, anything that won’t easily blow off the boat or decompose is a go! Here are some of our recommendations!

Hang colorful paper lanterns from the canopies and overhead railings to add a festive atmosphere. Most of our tours are during the daytime, so anything with lights won’t necessarily work. Lanterns are a great way to have some overhead fun during the daytime!

Place nautical-themed centerpieces on the bar! Anything with anchors, captains hats, and palm trees fit perfectly into the theme of a Charleston party!

charleston party boat pineapple mascot

Hang a banner along the boat’s railing with the party’s theme or phrase. We suggest putting the banner inside the boat so it won’t get in the water and you can take pictures with it during the cruise! #lastsailbeforethevail

Hang a disco ball from the ceiling for a fun dance party atmosphere-the sunshine will create a great effect!

Bring along a karaoke machine for some singing and dancing fun. A small portable machine is all you need!

If your crew has any other ideas, let our Customer Service team know and we can advise you on the best ways to incorporate your ideas. The more creative, the better! Don’t forget to take pictures and tag us @saltwatercycle!

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